Volunteer Information April 2024
Would you like to get involved in The Works?
Twyford Waterworks Trust is run solely by volunteers, and we will be pleased to welcome you into our teams. We offer a range of volunteering opportunities including:
Steam or internal combustion engineering and operation; carpentry; site and building maintenance; office administration; customer service; painting & decorating; wildlife management; running machinery – and lots more!
Working Groups meet all day on Sundays and on Tuesday evenings throughout the year.
email: enquiries@twyfordwaterworks.co.uk for further details.
Our Open Days also offer a range of activities, both beforehand and at each event.
We are currently looking for more volunteers to join us in the following areas:
Kiosk – Our friendly Kiosk Team are in need of more people to help at Open Days. This includes welcoming our visitors, issuing tickets using our lovely ex-cinema ticket machine, taking payments by cash or credit card, and running a till. It’s an essential part of the Waterworks and we’ll give you all the training and support you need to become part of this happy team.
Tea Room – the Catering Team are looking for one or two new members to help out on Open Days with things such as making tea and coffee, washing up, food preparation and delivery to tables, table clearing and cleaning, covering the BBQ if required, and operating a till. You need to be happy interacting with our customers and everyone in this friendly team. No previous experience is required, just a willingness to learn and join in. On the job training will be provided, including basic food hygiene. If you haven’t helped out at Twyford Waterworks Tea Room before and would like to find out more, please contact me.
Wildlife – our Wildlife Team is looking for more volunteers to help at Open Days as well as at other times. Can you welcome and chat to visitors at the start of the Nature Trail? Or look after the Hide and help people watch the wildlife from there? Or perhaps help with pond dipping – a really enjoyable experience!
Tour Guides – would you like to join our Tour Guide Team? This could be at an Open Day, or at a pre-booked tour at other times. Full training will be given so you’ll be confident in your knowledge of Twyford Waterworks’ history and purpose.
email: friends@twyfordwaterworks.co.uk for further details.
There are lots of opportunities, especially if you want to use your business, project, museum, or people facing skills and experience:
Museum Accreditation Mentor - we’re looking for someone with relevant experience in an existing accredited museum, who can work with the Board and with outside organisations to help to bring our Museum Accreditation to fruition.
Accreditation Officer - as we move towards accreditation, we are looking for someone to join us to ensure that our museum always fulfils the standards that are required.
Board of Trustees - do you feel you could support The Twyford Waterworks Trust as a Trustee? The Board looks after the running of the Trust and also meets 4 times a year. Previous experience in this type of role, or a background in business would be good, but enthusiasm to look after our industrial heritage is just as important.
Health and Safety - this is currently managed by a small team of Trustees together with external guidance and advice. Could you join us to co-ordinate this and take the lead?
Website management - our Website is often the first point of contact for hundreds of our visitors. We are looking for someone to help keep it up to date. it’s Wix based, and if you have experience of this, and would like to get involved, we’d love to hear from you.
Like every role within the Trust, all these are voluntary positions, and you’ll be joining a great team of professional, enthusiastic and dedicated people.
email: chairman@twyfordwaterworks.co.uk for further details.